eCover Engineer - free templates
Download Latest Version: 6.3 here.
If you purchased an older version (like v5.5), you can upgrade to v6 with 50% discount from original price.
Get the latest pack of templates here.
Here you can download packs of 5 eCovers (Templates). There is also a section for older Templates(working for v3.02). eCover Engineer is an award winning program that helps you create stunning ecovers for software boxes, ebooks, magazines, pizza boxes, cds, DVDs and other custom boxes.
Each template you download can be used for any type of object. If you download a software box template, just change the object type from "Standard Box" into "eBook", and you transform your template into a new ebook cover.

Download templates packs(working for V5+)
Below you can find batches of 10 images representing objects (templates) rendered with eCover Engineer. Only blank templates can be downloaded (second line from each group). The first line from each group is only an example of what you can do with the blank templates.
eCovers section (working for versions before v5.0)
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